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To school on Bike

Bicycle intercenters meeting

The Major thanks educational centers in Granada their involvement to achieve a substainable mobility.


The Major, Francisco Cuenca, has thanked educational centers of Granada their cooperation to achieve a more substainable mobility, that is changing the image of our city in a more modern, clean and habitable way. Cuenca has made these statements on the award ceremony Reconocimiento de Bronce, prize given by the European Union, to schools Juan XXIII, San Isidoro and Andrés Segovia for their participation in Project Stars encouraging school displacements on bike.

Objective of this european project, in which parcipates the City Council of Granada, is to encourage school displacements on foot, bike or public transport, issue that has been worked by these three awarded centers all previous school year, promoting use of bicycle. The Educational Center in Road Safety of the Mobility Area has been the responsible to make the Bicycle Intercenters Meeting.

Project Stars wants, as Major explained, to reduce car dependence, increase child autonomy, and wider presence of young people in public space so our boys and girls does not live isolated but relate with other young people in the strets of a more habitable city.

The City Council has signed its commitment and adhesion with the Directorate-General of Traffic, for Granada to be part of this european project that will contribute to change lifestyles and appearance of the cities.

Driving and overturning simulator

This prize given by the European Union and the Directorate-General of Traffic to these three grenadian centers are carried out within the frame of the activities organised due to the European Mobility Week. In this same context, the National Confederation of Driving Schools have installed in Paseo del Salón an overturning simulator that intend to inform in a practical way about effectiveness of safety belt to save lifes.

So, in this driving and overturning simulator, drivers get in the car, put on safety belt and experiment, when the car turn over, the importance of correct use of safety belt not to be flown away, because, after the overturn, remain in the same position in their seats, thanks to seat belt

According to data of the Confederation of Drive Schools, the correct use of seat belt will reduce mortality risk in a 77% of accidents.

Overturning simulatorOverturning simulatorOverturning simulator



Center for the Complete Management of Mobility

Delegation of Citizens Safety and Mobility.
City of Granada

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